Mo's Story
My name is Maureen Pfahler and I am a 28 year old elementary PE teacher through Stafford County Schools and part time personal trainer and group exercise instructor at Sport & Health in Fredericksburg. I became member of the Sport & Health group exercise team a year ago last August teaching cycle. As an avid marathon runner and exercise science major, I have often found the science of the body absolutely fascinating and amazing and feel compelled to test and transcend as many obstacles a I possibly can in life both in the physical and mental realms. I enjoyed taking cycle and other group fitness classes as a participant to help bust through my own fitness plateaus and because as I tell others...I love having that dynamic instructor constantly tell me what to do because I do that all day long at work to my students=) Well, enter into the picture an incredible force by the name of Medina Roberts.
I had started to construct my week with her cycle or strength training classes as a habitual part of my routine because I loved feeling her passion and energy and felt a kindred spirit in the way she would not accept anything less than her participants putting out 100% because Medina was going to get you there and then some! Her ethic, intensity, and heart in those group exercise settings are truly something I wish to continue to emulate in all my classes too. Medina approached me after one class long before I had become an instructor to find out how old I was (truly I get confused with looking like 17) and inquire about my interest in training for figure competitions. My answer in short at that time was a little surprised since I knew it was a hurdle I had not jumped over yet, but I replied that it was on the back burner because running was very much on the forefront as I had been putting marathons under my belt and traveling the country as a charity runner with the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.

Last January, a couple turning poinst happened in my life. First, I became called on a little more at Sport & Health to stretch outside of my comfort zone and take on more classes which afforded me the opportunity to connect with more people and I wanted to experience more as a personal trainer in addition to group exercise instructor. As Medina again approached me to talk about this, I remember telling her that fear and timing were the biggest things inhibiting me. Well, the other pivotal life event was losing a family member to leukemia and his motto in life was, "Be the change you wish to see in the world." I recognized that fear was no longer an option as an excuse to be present to as many people as I possibly could! Medina, the fitness director, became a mentor to me as I joined her personal training team as well at Sport & Health. I have not quite been training for one full year at this gym, but already, I feel completely transcended and transformed by the challenges, joys, and life-changing moments I've experienced with the people here. The fitness motto and life mantra I share with clients is that the greatest moments in life come when you are completely stepping out of your comfort zone...and to that was time for me to step completely outside by trading in my running shoes for the 6 in heels in this fall season of figure competitions. I'm competing for the shear joy of trying something totally new and extreme to test the mental and physical limits and Medina's guidance, genuine care, knowledge, passion, and example are pivotal in this part of my journey/training. I'm training for the experience, for the taste of hard work when I'm on stage, and for the ability to understand how this science of figure training applies and feels first hand! I want to inspire others in the way Medina has inspired and teaches me.
The opportunities and moments of growth in just this last year at Sport & Health have been overwhelming and becoming trained by Medina has been the icing on the cake because I have empathy for my clients and want to also be constantly challenging myself to a new place...there is no question that Medina will bring you to that place too! I'm thrilled to share all my experiences and personal drives in this testimonial and in future blogs over the web! My goal is to make a difference as a runner, figure competitor, teacher, trainer, or whatever role I'm blessed to step into and let me say that while the heel is certainly not the most comfortable feel on my bent up, bunioned foot...I'm loving taking every unknown step on the M&MXtreme team!! Here's to stepping out of that comfort zone in style! Thank you, Medina!